EFeMn-A L7-UM-250-KP | C: 0.8 Si:0.5 | It is suitable for hardfacing on parts which are subject to extreme impact stress and cavitations. A considerable increase in wear-resistance through stain hardening can be achieved by cold hammering. |
EFeMn-B E 8-UM-250 KNP 250 HB | C: 0.6 Si: 0.5 | A high manganese and chromium depositing electrode designed for hard facing and buffering layers. Good ductility is obtained where extreme heavy impact conditions apply. Il has a recovery of 140%. Railway lines. points, wobblers end and mill hammers. |
E 1-UM-300-P | C: 0.1 Mn: 1 Cr: 1.2 HB: 275-325 | For moderate wear and impact. Deposits are machinability. Rolling mills, rails, frogs, points, wheels, tractor rollers and hearing journals. Also for building up layers prior lo depositing harder weld metal. |
E 6-UM-60-P | C: 0.6 Si: 1.7 Mn: 1.2 Cr: 9 HRC: 57-60 | for abrasion and impact with soft running characteristics. Deposits not machinable. Earth moving, steel Works and foundry equipment; items such as cast steel cog wheels, brake shoes. rail points and crusher jaws |
E 6-UM-60-P | C: 0.6 Cr: 9 Mo: 0.5 V: 1.4 HRC: 58-60 | Recommended for culling; edge work because of the special microstructure of the deposit. The electrode is good for welding in tight places. |
EFeCr-A1 E 10-UM-60-GR | C: 3.8 Cr: 33 Other:approx.2% HRC: 57-60 | For extreme abrasion and light impact with soft running characteristics. |
E 10 UM-65-GTRZ | C: 5.2 Cr:29 | For extreme abrasive wear and moderate impact. This soft running heavy coated electrode deposits austenitic carbide weld metal with included special primary niobium carbides. The electrode has a recovery of 240%. |
E 10-UM-65-GTR | C: 5.0 Cr:34 Other:approx.2% HRC: 62- 63 | Heavy coated high efficiency hardfacing electrode with 170% recovery. Suitable (or applications subject lo strong abrasive wear by minerals, combined with moderate impact, medium shocks and compression as well as humidity or wetness. |
E 10-UM-65-GTZ HRC: 63-65 HRC. 45 at 400° C | C: 4.5 Cr:24 Mo: 6 Nb: 62 W: 2 V: 1 | Heavy coated high efficiency hardfacing electrode with 240% recovery. The electrode is used for hardfacing of parts subject to strong abrasive wear and fiction, also at high temperatures. It provides extremely high resistance to abrasion even at temperatures up to 600°C. |
E 10-UM-65-GTRZ | C: 5 Cr: 23 Si: 1.5 V:10 HRC: 63-66 | Heavy coated. high efficiency hardfacing electrode with 170% recovery. The alloy is highly resistant to abrasion combined with impact stress. The special chemical composition of the alloy ensures good wear resistance in various temperature ranges. The fine-grained structure of the weld metal provides a solid matrix which retains the vanadium carbides even when subject to strong abrasion and ensures high crack-resistance. |
EFeCr-A1 E 10-UM-70-GTZ | C: 5.5 Cr: 35 Other: 4-5% HRC: 68-70 | heavy coated, high efficiency hardfacing electrode with 240% recovery. It is mainly used for applications where parts are subject to strong abrasive wear, since the deposited alloy is highly resistant to abrasion. even when exposed to high temperatures. |
E 10-UM-70-GTRZ | C: 4 Cr:28 Other: 4% HRC: 68-70 | Heavy coated, high efficiency hardfacing electrode with 210% recovery. The alloy contains carbide-forming elements of different kinds. It is mainly used for applications where parts are subject to strong abrasive wear. |
E 10-GF-UM-65-GTZ | C: 5.5 Cr:40 Mn: 1.5 Other: 2% HRC: 62-65 | Tubular electrode filled with chromium carbide powder, suitable for hardfacing on parts which are mainly subject to abrasive wear. but also to impact stress. High amount of Cr carbides in a austenitic matrix, very compact. This electrode can be consumed with very low current. High hardness is already achieved in the first layer. |